Protel 99se tutorial
Protel 99se tutorial

  1. #Protel 99se tutorial upgrade#
  2. #Protel 99se tutorial software#

When the world has moved on from your workflow of choice, community support for it will dry up and it will break. But future assured compatibility is hardly one of them. Don't get me wrong, KiCad and Linux absolutely IS a killer combination, and I strongly encourage that path for so many reasons. Seriously, DOS crap from 1989 still runs on your 5nm spaceship from the future and you're pissed about it? The only reason you so strongly recommend linux instead is because you haven't been using it long enough for compatibility or maintenance issues to arise.

#Protel 99se tutorial software#

Microsoft offers, bar none, the most incredible software backwards-compatibility track record in the history of computing. This whole post is unmitigated batshit insanity. You will find no need to look behind and a safe clear path ahead Paul just get rid of those greedy irresponsible jerks of Microsoft. since the 90s to today but for sure the very first option is KiCAD. Direct replacement - Once done - find a proper way to convert all your data and your EDA business. the very one most recommended (which I have done very frequently for others.) is LINUX MINT. options today do exist: - in the very first place: DITCH THAT WHOLE SHIT from these jerk assholes and (re)assume control (back) over your privacy and YOUR BUSINESS Do this TODAY - do not wait a minute longer - you can very easily replace their private shit with some "generic" Linux distro.

#Protel 99se tutorial upgrade#

What happens is that very soon you will have to upgrade your hardware as they want, their software - as they way - and the whole new "LICENSE" crap shit-ware their jerk asshole lawyers want from you to sign regardless options of liabilities they would ever assume. Here it is: - What to expect when you/we give to Microsoft greedy jerk assholes total control over our life data, our privacy but worst of all - OUR BUSINESS ? - I have seen people blindly putting faith in those faceless assholes trusting their private software and methods to run their extortive algorithm over and over and over again and again. Because I have been there through the 80s and 90s all along until options arise.

Protel 99se tutorial